Displaying items by tag: neurofeedback

Monday, 12 September 2022 14:27

Can Biofeedback Therapy for PTSD Help Me?

Recovering from trauma is a normal event that most people will experience at some point in their life. Whether we're dealing with a major accident, illness, death of someone close to us, or something else, trauma happens. And while it's important to remember that things will eventually go back to "normal," sometimes there's no such thing as normal again. At Braincode Centers, we can help with biofeedback therapy for PTSD and trauma.

Published in Trauma

ADHD affects about 7% of adults in the United States alone. If left untreated, ADHD can cause serious dysfunction in your daily life and may even lead to other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, relationship issues, and more. Fortunately, there are options for treatment including medication, counseling, lifestyle changes, and cognitive behavioral therapy to name a few. All of these treatment approaches can work well for most people, though some are better suited to certain people than others. We’re here to help you discover other effective options for treatment.

Options for ADHD Treatment in Dallas

When you think about treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), do you instantly jump to Ritalin, Adderall, or Vyvanse?

Many people equate ADHD treatment with prescription medicine, as it usually is the first treatment choice by most medical professionals. While medication for ADHD can improve attention and concentration, it usually does very little to help with symptoms like disorganization, poor planning, forgetfulness, and being easily distracted.

In fact, while medication for ADHD often improves attention and concentration, it typically does very little else. For example, many people who take ADHD medications report that it rarely helps with symptoms like procrastination and impulsivity, the very things that make life difficult for those with ADHD.

While medication for ADHD can be helpful, it's far better to use it in combination with other treatments. Counseling paired with prescription medication can help individuals learn how to cope with everyday stressors, improve self-control, gain organizational skills, and develop good study habits.

You'll get much more out of your medication for ADHD if you combine it with other options for ADHD treatment in Dallas that address emotional concerns and teach you new ways to manage daily challenges. One new and exciting innovative therapy that you should consider is called neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback therapy is a unique process that uses biofeedback technology to help individuals learn how to regulate their brains. In a typical session, patients wear a cap that measures their brainwaves in real-time while being stimulated by sound or visual components. Through repeated exposure and positive reinforcement, patients can begin to form new cognitive efficiencies that reduce ADHD symptoms.

Another major benefit of neurofeedback is that there aren't any serious adverse effects, which isn’t always the case with prescription medications. Neurofeedback also helps to complement other treatments by helping to improve brain function.

Neurofeedback For ADHD Treatment in Dallas

Neurofeedback is based on the assumption that the brain emits different kinds of waves, depending on what you're doing. For example, during meditation, the brain produces slow alpha brainwaves; during sleep, it produces delta brainwaves; and during high-attention tasks such as reading, it produces beta brainwaves. In most ADHD patients, the root problem of their symptoms seems to lie in producing enough beta waves.

When we give our brains positive reinforcement by providing them with external stimuli, they learn to self-regulate themselves. Through neurofeedback, you're teaching the brain to perform tasks in a new way that once felt difficult.

Are You Ready to Start ADHD Treatment in Dallas Today?

If you are interested in learning more about neurofeedback and how it works as a treatment for ADHD, you’ve come to the right place. At Braincode Centers, we practice neurofeedback therapy on a daily basis and leverage it to treat a wide array of conditions from depression and concussions to anxiety disorders and ADHD.

Contact Braincode Centers today!

Published in Focus and ADHD
Friday, 19 August 2022 17:24

How a Dallas Brain Center Can Help You Today!

What if there was a way to reduce symptoms of neurological conditions by watching a movie or listening to music? There actually is thanks to neurofeedback at a Dallas brain center. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback therapy where you are hooked up to a machine that measures electrical activity in your brain while you're awake. This data is used to help train your brain to regulate itself naturally through focus exercises like counting breaths or relaxing your muscles.

The goal is to retrain your brain to regulate itself better, and eventually, the treatment will make it easier to manage stress and improve symptoms. This therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms in many mental health conditions including ADHD, depression, and anxiety.

Conditions our Dallas Brain Center Can Treat

Through neurofeedback, much mental health and neurological conditions can be treated to reduce or mitigate symptoms. Some of the top conditions that can be addressed via this therapy include:


  • Anxiety

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Depression

  • Learning disabilities

  • PTSD and more.

Some physical conditions that neurofeedback can help with include:

  • Chronic pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Concussions or TBIs

  • Migraines

  • Seizures and more

The Power of Neurofeedback

New technology has been developed that allows us to measure brain activity in real-time and use that information to help treat various conditions. Neurofeedback has proven to be extremely effective when managed correctly by a trained clinician. Many case studies show that neurofeedback has helped improve people's lives. Studies show that people of all ages experience significant improvements in their conditions.

These results are so common that they're no longer ignored. It’s important to note that it takes time for neurofeedback to take effect, and it may take some time before your brain adapts to your new behaviors. However, if you stick with them long enough, you might be able to get rid of your dependence on prescription medications and experience great relief from your symptoms.

Neurofeedback has been shown to be effective at changing the timing in the brains of people who receive the therapy. Neurofeedback studies have been published in countless scientific journals and it’s used by thousands of licensed health professionals around the world. It could be the best new tool available for your mental health.

Find Yourself Again at our Dallas Brain Center

As we age, we often feel like we're falling apart. But there's good news - you don't have to live with anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, or pain forever. In fact, you can improve your quality of life with neurofeedback at our brain center in Dallas.

At Braincode Centers, we are here to help you navigate the confusing world of mental health treatment options. Our goal is to provide you with the best care possible while helping you understand what works best for you. We work with you one-on-one to develop a personalized approach to your recovery and treatment plan. We will provide the tools needed for every step of your journey.

Braincode Centers is Your Go-To Brain Center in Dallas

Contact Braincode Centers today to start your treatment through neurofeedback with our Dallas brain center today!

Published in Performance
Wednesday, 03 August 2022 16:08

Neurotherapy in Denver: How Can it Benefit You?

Neurotherapy, or neuro­feedback, is a form of biofeedback therapy that uses technology to measure your brain waves and provide feedback in real-time. That data can help you learn how to control those brain waves so your brain can better self-regulate and function more optimally. Neurotherapy in Denver is a great treatment option for many conditions and it’s completely non-invasive.

What is the Process of Neurotherapy Like?

During neurotherapy, a device with sensors attached to your scalp monitors your brain activity via electroencephalography (EEG). EEG devices are already used by medical professionals to diagnose epilepsy and sleep disorders, among other conditions, and are more accessible compared to other types of brain imaging technologies such as fMRI.

Neurotherapy uses iterative training to help patients' brains rewire themselves and learn how to control certain aspects of their brain waves. During a typical session, patients may work through a mental exercise, like counting backwards, and will receive real-time feedback from their clinician about their brain wave activity. This allows the specialist to see what parts of the brain are active during the task and gives the patient feedback about how well they are controlling their brain waves.

Who uses Neurotherapy?

Neurotherapy in Denver can be used by many different types of patients, including survivors of brain injury, tumors, and strokes. It can also benefit patients with movement disorders, like Parkinson's disease or spinal cord injuries. And patients with psychological disorders, like depression, anxiety, or PTSD, can find relief from symptoms through this therapy.

What Are the Benefits of Neurotherapy?

As mentioned, neurotherapy benefits patients who might be struggling with various mental health issues, and can also be helpful for people with ADHD, autism, epilepsy, those who've had brain injuries, and others. Neurotherapy in Denver is an effective treatment for people of all ages and is best suited for people who don't respond well to or don't want to take prescription medication.

One of the most notable benefits of neurotherapy is that it provides long-term results by addressing the cause of the problem, rather than masking the symptoms. While prescription medications provide short-term relief from symptoms for a few hours, neurofeedback offers a more permanent solution.

This therapy is more affordable than other traditional treatments and gives patients the chance to explore the ways in which their minds can help them heal their bodies and vice versa. This therapy helps patients understand how the dysfunction in their brains causes them to experience certain physical symptoms..

Another advantage of neurotherapy is that it improves healthy brain functioning. Using an electroencephalogram (EEG), the therapist can provide feedback on how the patient’s brain is functioning during different stages. A specialist and patient can work collaboratively to understand why physical symptoms occur for a particular patient. The EEG technology measures the level of arousal in patients and links those changes to physical situations. The clinician can then design an individualized treatment plan to address the patient’s specific issues. And we can’t forget to mention that brain training exercises can help people improve memory, reduce stress, and better regulate brain function.

Get Started with Neurotherapy in Denver Today

Are you interested in trying neurotherapy in Denver? Then you’ve come to the right place. Braincode Centers is a top provider of neurofeedback in the metro area and we have multiple locations across Denver.

Contact Braincode Centers to schedule an appointment today!

Published in Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback goes hand in hand with neuroplasticity training in Denver as they both have the goal of training the brain. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback therapy that uses real-time feedback to measure physiological signals using electroencephalography (EEG) technology. It is closely related to the concept of neuroplasticity as it helps patients learn to regulate their brain's electrical activity. In turn, this improves attention, memory, focus, mood, sleep quality, stress management, and anxiety.

While there are many different types of brain training therapies these days, neurofeedback can be used for "neuroplasticity training" to focus specifically on improving cognition and enhancing learning. In fact, some studies suggest that neuroplasticity training enhances the benefits of standard cognitive training programs.

The science behind it is fascinating. When you engage in neuroplasticity training, you're essentially rewiring your brain. This is because neuroplasticity works by stimulating specific parts of the brain, which in turn increases blood flow and oxygenation. As a result, neurons fire faster, stronger, and longer.

What Is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity simply refers to the brain's ability to learn and adapt to stimuli. This process includes both physical and mental changes. For example, your neuroplasticity may help improve your athletic performance, or even to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with the right guidance and support.

The brain develops throughout life. As we age, our brains become less flexible and can lose some of their ability to adapt and learn.

Neuroplasticity is the Brain's Ability to Rewire Itself

Neuroplastic changes occur in our brains throughout our daily lives. They help us learn, remember, process information, and make decisions. As we age, neuroplasticity declines. But it does not mean we lose our cognitive skills. We still retain the same number of neurons as we grow older – but there may be fewer connections among those neurons.

Neuroplastic changes can help treat physical and mental issues including chronic pain, anxiety, and trauma. These symptoms are often associated with decreased neuroplasticity. Which is the dysfunctional ability of the brain. There are many ways to increase neuroplasticity. Some of the most simple ways include mindfulness, meditation, exercise, and dietary supplements. However, if you really want to increase your neuroplasticity, neurofeedback is the way to go.

What is Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback therapy where patients learn to control their brain's electrical activity. During a neurofeedback session, patients might be asked to relax while sensors record their brain waves. Once the patient enters a relaxed state, they are rewarded with a relaxing sound effect or another form of reinforcement. Through iterative training, this process helps train the brain to regulate itself.

Learn About How You Can Practice Neuroplasticity Training Through Neurofeedback.

If you would like to learn more about neuroplasticity training in Denver through neurofeedback at Braincode Centers, contact us today to set up a consultation.

Published in Neurofeedback

Biofeedback therapy is an innovative treatment technique that has quickly gained traction in recent years. It’s an effective remedy for many conditions and injuries, and can be integrated into any wellness plan. If you’re looking for biofeedback therapy near Fort Worth, TX, you’ve come to the right place.

Published in qEEG Brain Mapping

If you have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of a traumatic event, you may be searching for ways to recover. We would recommend you consider trying neurofeedback to help your recovery. Neurofeedback has been proven to be a viable option for trauma recovery. It is virtually side-effect-free and a completely non-invasive treatment for recovering from trauma in Denver.

Published in Trauma

Neurofeedback training uses EEG brainwave data to train participants on how to gain better control over their mental health and performance. By learning how to regulate brainwaves, people are able to change their state of mind. In fact, neurofeedback may help you learn faster, remember better, and even sleep better. Many participants will seek out neurofeedback for memory improvement purposes, and it’s easy to see why. One of the great things about neurofeedback is its customization. You can get a custom neurofeedback training plan with things like working memory training, attention training, language learning, creativity training, and more.

Published in Neurofeedback

If you are searching for a migraine specialist in Dallas, you are not alone. Migraine headaches cost American taxpayers $13 billion in lost work or reduced productivity each year. Times are tough and finances are tight for many American households, and debilitating headaches are becoming an ever-increasing epidemic.

Imagine a life where you feel happy in one moment and depressed in the next, where it is hard to control your mood, and it's constantly changing. Mood disorders can greatly affect your work and personal relationships. If you’re searching for a natural, non-invasive mood treatment in Dallas, we can help you out.

What are Mood Disorders?

A mood disorder is an illness that causes your emotions to be out of sync with your circumstances and interferes with your ability to function normally. A mood disorder may cause you to feel extremely sad, empty, irritable, or even depressive at times. Individuals with mood disorders can additionally experience manic episodes alternating with depressive ones.

Anxiety disorders can also impact your mood and often occur alongside mood or personality disorders, including depression. Simply put: mood disorders may make living daily life difficult.

Some examples of mood disorders include:

  • Major depressive disorder — This condition is characterized by prolonged and persistent periods of extreme sadness.
  • Dysthymia — This is a chronic, low-grade, depressive irritable mood that lasts for at least two years.
  • Bipolar disorder — Also called manic depression or bipolar affective disorder, individuals with this condition alternate between times of depression and mania.

It’s important to note that other medical illnesses such as cancer, injuries, infections, or chronic illness can aggravate mood disorders.

Neurofeedback for Mood Disorders

You've tried therapy and have taken medication that was prescribed for your condition. However, you might wish there were something else you could do. That’s where neurofeedback comes into play.

Neurofeedback is an alternative therapy that uses brain wave monitors to help people learn to regulate their brainwaves. That’s one reason why so many people call it “brain training.”

Neurofeedback treatment can be another useful tool for your mood treatment in Dallas as it has been shown to be effective at combating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. Neurofeedback treatment methods teach patients how to gain mastery over their physiology. It holds the potential to empower you to take back control that was lost with the onset of anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders.

Neurofeedback therapy involves using special technology to help you learn how to control your brain waves. The tool is an EEG (electroencephalogram) and it reads your brainwaves in real-time through electrodes placed on your head. The medical-grade EEG monitors your brainwaves, which your clinician studies, and then interprets the results. Through iterative sessions and training, you can work to alleviate your mood disorder symptoms naturally so you can enjoy a better quality of life.

Your clinician can also recommend specific coping skills or methods to address mood disorders. And, if something doesn’t work, you and your clinician can move on to other treatment methods or techniques. Through neurofeedback, you can develop a customized toolbox of coping skills for managing your mood disorder symptoms.

Are You Ready to Stabilize Your Mood with an Effective Mood Treatment in Dallas?

We're proud to be a leading brain treatment center for patients in Dallas. We'll go the extra mile for our patients whenever possible. After completing your qEEG brain mapping session, we'll create a custom brain training program to address any mood-related issues you may be experiencing. We can even integrate neurofeedback into any existing treatment strategies you may currently practice.

Contact us today for your neurofeedback consultation.

Published in Neurofeedback
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